About Me

I am a Ph.D candidate in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University, advised by Dr. Yu Kong.

My research interests are computer vision, multi-modality, and trustworthy AI motivated by real-world problems in surveillence, sports, social media, and healthcare. Specifically, my research focuses on the topics of long-form video understanding, human behavior modeling, and visual grounding. I developed predictive methods to capture spatio-temporal, dynamic, and interpretable patterns in large-scale multi-modal data.

Contact: chenjunw at msu dot edu

Research Interests


07.2023           Paper on long-form VideoQA was accepted by ACM Multimedia 2023.
08.2022           Passed comprehensive exam.
04.2023           To present in CVPR'23 Doctoral Consortium.
08.2022           First day at MSU.
02.2022           Paper on online action detection was accepted by CVPR 2022.

Professional Service

  • Program Committee: IJCAI 2023
  • Reviewer: CVPR 2021-2023
  • Reviewer: ECCV 2022
  • Reviewer: ICCV 2021